CJK Digital

preserve your memories

Media conversion

In every home, there is a box – or more – of old photos. They are rarely looked at, and gather dust. Eventually, somebody dies, and the photos end up tossed into a skip.

Or it might be old family video or audio cassettes.

Or it might be 35mm slides.

But whenever any of this material is shared with others, it induces fascination and interest, and kicks off conversations and reminiscence.

CJK Digital was born from a desire to help and encourage people to preserve their memories. We have the ability to convert a wide range of old analogue media into digital media, and can also advise on safe storage solutions.

Photos can be scanned for around 15p each (~£2.50 for a set of prints from a 24 exposure film).

VHS video cassettes and some camcorder cassettes can be converted to digital video from around £20 – but HURRY – in addition to the deterioration of the video quality, no new machines capable of reading these cassettes has been made in over a decade, and existing equipment won’t last forever.

35mm slides can be scanned at high resolution for around 50p each. In our experience, up to now the best quality scans have been obtainable from a flatbed scanner rather than a “slide scanner”.

Discounts are available for larger jobs.

If you think you may be interested in this, get in touch with us at cjkdigitaluk [at] gmail.com.